Thursday, October 02, 2008

Approach Avoidance/ Psychological Reversal

Simply put:

Psychological Reversal is where you want X, and your insides want Y.

of course this is an oversimplification but that’s it in a nut shell.

Now here’s the kicker: the part of you that wants Y, he’s a LOT bigger than you are.

From Crack Cocaine Addiction Recovery

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Now this is gonna sound like the movie, “Cybil”, like we have multiple personalites… but it’s generally accepted that we have a subconscious, and that we have both analytical, logical left brains and intuitive, non rational right brains.

We're All a little schizophrenic

Left Brain is:
  • logical

  • analytical

  • pragmatic

  • linear representational

  • Right Brain is:
  • symbolic representational

  • intuitive

  • NON rational

  • emotional

  • When you're viewing life through your left brain ONLY, you're valuing it's perspective and ignoring your right brain's perspective.

    When you're viewing life through your right brain's perspective, there are options available to you that were unavailable in the other mode, you're 'thinking outside the box'.

    Before you read this, you weren't even aware that you viewed life through a perspective at all!

    A *Life View Perspective* can be seen as a "Premise", a Built in Unconscious Premise.

    Most of us (in the western world view)hold our right brain's perspective in contempt.

    Right Brain is a 'red headed step child', not to be taken seriously...

    "The only thing right brain can think up is superstitious, shaman, Hari Krishna, hocus pocus" is the unspoken premise the entire Western World View is based upon since Newton and Descartes

    Approach Avoidance

    The way this relationship works out is like a piece of machinery’s governor, some trucks have governors that prevent them from accelerating past 63 mph.

    Most of us are totally unaware of this internal Governor, Tony Robbins called it an internal thermostat.

    In his model, when we get in need of something, when we want something, when a situation comes up that’s unacceptable to us, the thermostat kicks in… we have energy available to heat things up…

    What’s not obvious is that it also works in reverse!

    Once you exceed your internal self image’s limit…
    The thermostat kicks in again… and cools things down.

    we F*** up, screw up, are late for an important appointment, all of a sudden anything and everything that could cause us to lose focus, is mysteriously more important…
    fancy that!

    Self Sabotage

    "Somethings gotta be wrong because everythings goin to damn Good"

    Irresponsibility IS codependency

    This article is for informational purposes only.
    Please contact a licensed professional in your area
    if you are in crisis or require mental health services

    Tuesday, September 30, 2008

    Installing new behavior


    What you call something, the context you 'hold' a concept, determines what the parameters of what you believe is possible and not possible.

    This is part and parcel of the underpinnings of the science of N.L.P.

    What exactly IS N.L.P?

    If you've just stumbled onto this blog please subscribe to my RSS feed and remember to subscribe to What you can do about Victim Behavior via email to ensure you can enjoy the latest post(s)

    Neuro Linguistic Programming

    NLP was begun in the mid-seventies by a linguist (Grinder) and a mathematician (Bandler) who had strong interests in (a) successful people, (b) psychology, (c) language and (d) computer programming. It is a difficult to define NLP because those who started it and those involved in it use such vague and ambiguous language that NLP means different things to different people.

    NLP is also used for individual psychotherapy for problems as diverse as phobias and schizophrenia. NLP also aims at transforming corporations, showing them how to achieve their maximum potential and achieve great success.

    NLP claims to help people change by teaching them to program their brains. We were given brains, we are told, but no instruction manual. NLP offers you a user-manual for the brain. The brain-manual seems to be a metaphor for NLP training, which is sometimes referred to as "software for the brain."

    What I'm getting at here is that Victim Behavior is learned, not permanent, and the words we say to ourselves reinforce that behavior consistently.

    And our behavior is determined by pre suppositions, unconscious beliefs, that we adopted without being aware that we define what is and what isn't possbile for us.

    What IS behavior?

    According to Pia Melody, reknown author who influenced much of my thinking, Our Behavior is:

  • What we do

  • What we don't do

  • what we're willing to do

  • what we're NOT willing to do

  • Why is that significant?

    Most of us, most of the time walk around in a pre suppostition.

    We're not even aware of any such pre-supposition... that doesn't mean it's not there.

    Look up at the sky (hopefully it's day time or I'm gonna look foolish)

    Is it blue?

    Ya sure about that?

    If the sky is blue, if that's the presupposition you're working with, the concept that you accept without wondering or pondering if it really IS true or NOT...

    Then, how bout when it's dark?

    If the sky was so blue, why aren't the stars blue? or the planets???

    Let's see now, if we were looking thru yellow colored sun glasses and we looked up at a Red Light, what, exactly, would we see?


    OR Green ?????

    the sky isn't really blue, it only looks that way when the sun is warming the air, heating up the atmosphere and exciting certain molecules...

    We have the PERCEPTION that the sky is blue

    so tell me...

    If we had an erroneous perception, and that perception was woven into our presuppostion...
    and we didn't even know, (or were aware of) we had a pre-supposition...

    Might we find it useful to discover that pre-suppositions are changeable?

    In N.L.P. or Neuro Linguistic Programming, we learn that we have presuppositions that govern/ limit/ define the limits of what we're capable of, what we're willing to expend time, effort and energy on.

    so... if you're a crack addict and you're walking around with the unconscious presupposition that addictions are just something we're gonna have to live with, the presuppositition that OTHERS, somebody can quit smoking crack, but I'm not likley to be one of them... what would that do to your willingness to expend:

  • time

  • effort

  • energy

  • towards?

    And the irony of it is that you didn't even know you HAD any presuppostitions.

    How can you install a new behavior when you didn't even know behaviors were installed in the first place?

    More coming

    This article is for informational purposes only.
    Please contact a licensed professional in your area
    if you are in crisis or require mental health services

    How To Spot A Codependent

    OR how to discover that you're codependent, a checklist A) codependents want chronic maladies, they want to have to "treat" ...