Most of the folks I've counseled wanted someone to help them "commiserate"
aka "make me feel better" about being effed up
Almost ZERO have actually made the decision to do what ever it takes to heal
Even health "professionals" want to think in terms of "treatment"
none of them really think in terms of CURE THIS MO-FO once and for all
One counselee I have is quick to resent when others "do something" real or imagined "to them"
Rather than "get pissed" over this,
how about getting pissed over paying someone else's bill?All of your codependency comes from your parents asking YOU to carry THEIR SHAME
and all of the payments you make ONLY go towards interest, the principal NEVER decreases
the bill isn't even yours to pay.. yet your entire life you're attempting to do debt service on someone else's shame
and all of your "payments" are interest only
You're never, EVER going to pay that bill
it isn't even YOUR BILL TO PAY
you do NOT owe that
========== This article is for informational purposes only. Please contact a licensed professional in your area if you are in crisis or require mental health services