Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Ok, so I may not sue the USPS

hmm, looks like the USPS can fire me for being sick,
they were within thier rights and sought to get rid of me
before the 90 day probation period...

Either way it wasn't the end of the world for me, I still have
health insurance (and disability insurance), I can still find
out whats wrong/ fix it and get a better job.

I'm not a victim.

I've wasted no time in searching for a $20 hour job and I'll get
one, it's just irritating and uncomfortable, but I have big shoulders,
and my higher power has got my back.

It'll take at least a week to replace my job, I still HAVE a job, but
it's not the $19 hour/ Post Office benefits/ 10 paid holidays I
originally signed on for, the crappy Blue Mountain Express is offering
me a measley $10 to $12 an hour delivering freight/ loaded trailers the
better paid line haul drivers left in the yard, and I have to pay $65 a
week or so for health insurance.

I'll probably go to work for WB transport making $23 an hour, but AFTER
I get checked out health wise, might be Crohn's disease, might be
kidney stones, or some other gastric problem (might be colon cancer/
prostate cancer, my Dad just died from prostate cancer, might be
rectal cancer... What ever God's will is, I'll handle it.

This article is for informational purposes only.
Please contact a licensed professional in your area
if you are in crisis or require mental health services

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