Ok, I just found the how to section of blogger.com
now I'll be able to see what this can do:~)
I just added a couple more pages to www.software4yourmind.com/boundaries/
And the machine shop that has my car's cylnder head might be finished with it today- that means I can rebuild my car's motor
over the weekend and be mobile once again- yeah me!
And I've just finished listening to the first two Tony Robbins "Get the Edge" CDs
I had Personal Power and my doing Tony's workshops (which is what they are, really) are responsible for the vast majority
of my growth and recovery over the past 12 years.
It kinda bummed me out to be selling Personal Power from software4yourmind.com/tonyrobbins/ and find out that I can't get it
anymore. So I'll sell Get the Edge- it is better in some ways than personal power- it's more condensed for one thing.
more later
Victim Behavior comes from Damaged Boundaries, All addicts are at their core, codependents first. You cannot be one with out being the other. See a sister blog here: Codependent Boundaries
Friday, June 13, 2003
How To Spot A Codependent
OR how to discover that you're codependent, a checklist A) codependents want chronic maladies, they want to have to "treat" ...
Healing the Shame that Binds You by John Bradshaw In an emotionally revealing way, Bradshaw shows us how toxic shame is the core problem in ...
Poor Me Syndrome , and what you can do about it What does Victim Behavior look like? ...the opposite of healthy boundaries, that's what ...
OR how to discover that you're codependent, a checklist A) codependents want chronic maladies, they want to have to "treat" ...